Grails Basic
Web Framework inspired by RoR(Ruby On Rails) Latest version is 1.1.1. Based on open source technologies like Spring, Hibernate and SiteMesh Grails = Spring MVC 2.5.1 + Hibernate 3 + SiteMesh2.3 Newbie's are unaware that Grails is full and full Spring! Provides several commands to auto generate common requirements in a web app. Comes bundled with HSQLDB and Jetty web Server Focus is on rapid development and simplicity Coding by convention paradigm Reduce the need for configuration files and other boilerplate code File names are important Features Rapid web application development Follow spring MVC framework -Clearly separates business, navigation and presentation logic Proven mechanism for building a thin, clean web-tier Both gsp and jsp are supported. AJAX Support Supports prototype, YUI, DOJO Use render method in your groovy code to render text, HTML, JSON Has lots of plug-in already available like quartz, acegi , RichUi etc… grails create-plugin ! ...