Groovy On Grails setup on windows

Groovy On Grails Configuration for Windows Environment

=> Download Java SE Development Kit (JDK 1.4.x or more ) installer for windows


=> Download Latest Version Groovy 1.5.x( Binary Zip.

=> Download Latest Version Grails 1.1.x( Binary Zip.

=> Install JDK

=> Unzip Binary in any folder, in my end it unzip on c:\installation.

Eg. c:\installation\groovy1.5.x


c:\Program Files\Java\ jdk1.5.9

=>Set Environment variable for Groovy on Grails and Java

Right Click on My Computer ->Properties->Advanced tab->Environment variable

Create User variable

Variable Value

JAVA_HOME c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.9

GROOVY_HOME c:\installation\groovy1.5.x

GRAILS_HOME c:\installation\grails1.1.x

path %JAVA_HOME%\bin;%GROOVY_HOME%\bin;%GRAILS_HOME% \bin;%GRAILS_HOME%\ant\bin

=> Testing Configuration

Check with START->run->cmd . you will get the command Prompt.

Run c:\>javac : you will get the java option that means ur jdk is set for development.

Run c:\>grails help : you will get Grails command line artifacts for creating grails application it classes etc..

grails dev run-app
grails create-app books

Available Targets (type grails help 'target-name' for more info):
grails bootstrap
grails bug-report
grails clean
grails compile
grails console
grails create-app
grails create-controller
grails create-domain-class
grails create-filters
grails create-integration-test
grails create-plugin
grails create-script
grails create-service
grails create-tag-lib
grails create-unit-test
grails doc
grails generate-all
grails generate-controller
grails generate-views
grails help
grails init
grails install-plugin
grails install-templates
grails list-plugins
grails package
grails package-plugin
grails plugin-info
grails release-plugin
grails run-app
grails run-war
grails schema-export
grails set-proxy
grails set-version
grails shell
grails stats
grails test-app
grails uninstall-plugin
grails upgrade
grails war

=> Grails Sample Applications using Scaffold.

Goto command prompt

c:\> grails create-app EMP

c:\>cd EMP

u ll see the Folder structure is created for grails project , it follows MVC design pattern,

so u can manage your code properly like we can separate thing, all presentation logic we keep in grails-app/view folder , we can add model class in grails-app/domain folder, controller class added to perform actions on http request/response keep in grails-app/Controller folder, grails provide good command line artifact to perform this action ...

u can simply run c:\EMP> grails run-app

and http://localhost:8080/EMP u will see the index page of create application..

added a domain class

c:\EMP> grails create-domain-class User ->this command is create a User Class .

u can Edit this grails-app/domain/User.groovy class , add attribute

class User{

String userName

String password

static constraints = {}


similarly create Controller for User.Class

c:\EMP> grails create-controller User

u can Edit this grails-app/controller/UserController.groovy class ,

class UserController {

def scaffold = User


now save this classes and run application

c:\EMP> grails run-app

hit http://localhost:8080/EMP on browser u will see the index page with user controller action link, u can now easily perform Add/Modify/Delete/List feature


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